Farmers and Foragers
Farmers and Foragers is an after-school program that runs October to June for ages 10 - 15. This program explores the landscape of Orchard Hill Farm as well as surrounding farms, markets, bakeries, orchards and sugarhouses. Natural builder, farmer, permaculturist, and environmental educator Marty Castriotta is the lead educator and director of the Farmer’s and Foragers program.

Marty Castriotta is an environmental educator, farmer and natural builder. At The Orchard School, he is Facilities Director, a camp lead teacher and teacher of Farmers and Foragers during the school year. He lives at Orchard Hill with his wife, Ellen, where they enjoy growing food, building their home and sharing the wonders of the outdoors with children. Marty has taught at several environmental education centers where he gained a significant amount of experience integrating special needs students into agricultural and ecological education. Marty has an M.S in Environmental Education from Antioch University New England.

                                                                                    photo Cassidy Tickner
The Scion
The Scion, The Orchard School newsletter, contains news items from all the programs at the school, including Farmers and Foragers. You can read some of the "News from Farmers and Foragers" from The Scion below to see some of the activities from throughout the year.

Click here to see the Farmers and Foragers photo gallery.