Permaculture Design Course May 2014

May was the last month of our 2014 PDC. We spent all day Saturday at Lauren Chase Rowell's ecological farm in Nottingham, NH. What an amazing place! production, wetland restoration, beautiful dwellings and so much more.

On Sunday, students presented their final design projects (and received feedback from the entire group) at Mole Hill Theatre in East Alstead, NH. This theater is such a perfect example of stacking functions...metal shop, theater, community space, co-housing and farm. Mole Hill also embodies and educates on the mining history of the area. Thanks Dennis Molesky for sharing your space! 

Thank you to the entire 2014 PDC class, teaching team, field trip hosts and food preparers for creating such a special learning and growing experience over the past five months. We look forward to many future collaborations. 

Click here to see photos from the May weekend. You can also see photos from the March and April weekends.
Lauren Chase Rowell's ecological farm in Nottingham, NH

Photos courtesy of PDC participant Cassidy Tickner


Participants giving final presentations at Mole Hill Theatre