Photos - Inspired by Orchard Hill

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La Creperie Poseidon by Jeremiah

Jeremiah has a very strong connection to Orchard Hill, having gone to the Orchard School for preschool, kindergarten, summer camps and the after school Farmers and Foragers program. He has helped with planting and harvesting crops, tapping trees, collecting sap and boiling it into maple sugar, building pens and coops for pigs and chickens, and cooking and eating food from the farm. In 2011 when he was in in 5th grade at Marlow's John D. Perkins, Sr. Elementary School, just a short drive from Orchard Hill, Jeremiah came home with an assignment to create a menu for a “creperie” or a crepe restaurant. He decided to pretend that his restaurant “The Poseidon Creperie” bought its food from Orchard Hill and other area farms. It made perfect sense that he would want his restaurant (named after his favorite Greek god discovered through the Percy Jackson book series) to support local farmers. He even put in the extra effort to write the paragraphs about supporting local food! Here is his final project.

The RecipeRelay

In 2011 and 2012, two graduates of Antioch University New England's MBA in Sustainability program, maintained a recipe sharing site called The RecipeRelay, "a live collection of unique recipes meant to inspire and encourage others to have fun eating seasonally and locally." Stephanie Tickner and her children, Cassidy and Jeremiah, two long-time Orchard School students, participated in the RecipeRelay several times, using locally sourced food from Orchard Hill and surrounding towns. You can read about their food and cooking adventures on the RecipeRelay site.

 On Your Mark, Get Set: Searching for Summer Under Three Feet of Snow

When Sarah recently asked me if I might be interested in participating in RecipeRelay I felt a mix of emotions. I was excited because I love cooking, photography, and writing. On the other hand, I wondered how I would manage with two young children, a part time job at Antioch University New England (where I met Sarah and Brianna), and two unexpected school board meetings that week. Another concern was if I would be able to find locally grown foods in my area in the middle of the snowiest winter in years! I live in Marlow, New Hampshire, a small rural town a half hour from the nearest supermarket. Read more...

The Hand Off: Winter Veggie Strata

Tuesday after successfully finding winter vegetables despite many feet of snow in our corner of New Hampshire, I  still needed to gather a few more ingredients for my recipe idea: Winter Veggie Strata. I decided on strata after learning that Sarah planned to make a Carrot & Basil Quiche with the colorful carrots and fragrant basil she found at the winter farmers’ market in New York City. I was able to buy carrots and other  hearty vegetables stored in the root cellar at nearby Orchard Hill Farm and  flavorful artisan bread at Orchard Hill Breadworks. I then gathered eggs from a friend’s chickens, and fresh rosemary from my neighbor – I knew my idea for strata was perfect. Read more...